Cooperation between ETC programmes for embedding EUSAIR flagships: opportunities and challenges in the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region
Mr Massimo GERLI, Italian Presidency of Ministers, Department for the Cohesion Policies
Ms Elina HAKONEN-MEDDINGS, European Commission, DG REGIO, Deputy Head of Unit D.1. Macro-regions, Transnational/Interregional/
Moderator: Ms Donatella ROMOZZI, Marche Region Facility Point
Evidences, results and new challenges to address
Ms Stasa MESEC, Lead Partner of the EUSAIR Facility Point Slide presentation
Connecting experiences, frameworks needs, and procedures
Ms Battistina CUGUSI, Department for the Cohesion Policies Slide presentation
A nice story to tell, a tough lesson to learn
Ms Giulia FRATTINI, Adrion Programme Slide presentation
Key findings from Adriatic Fora's focus groups - Mr. Paolo Rotoni, Facility Point - Marche Region Slide presentation
The experience from INTERACT, Ms Mercedes ACITORES Slide presentation
Tips, tools and hints, FUTOUR Slide presentation