President of Marche Region
Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion, Italy (by videomessage)
Department for Cohesion Policy - Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Tbc)
Francesco Acquaroli - President of Marche Region
Mara Carfagna - Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion, Italy (keynote speech - online)
Ferdinando Ferrara - Chief of Cohesion Policy Department - Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Much of the peculiarities of the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) can be pivotal for a re-launch of the European integration in the Western Balkans. EUSAIR Strategy’s actions can stimulate contacts and exchanges of good practices between EU member States and Western Balkans favouring the convergence of processes, strategies and national and European funds. The experts engaged in this session will debate in order to discuss the current situation of the integration process, which implementation seems way more relevant in an European political framework in constant and quick evolution.
Representatives and experts of the following institutions will participate:
DG NEAR Western Balkan Unit (Tbc)
MAECI – Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Permanent Secretariat of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Tbc)
Albanian Ministry for European Integration and Foreign Affairs
Politecnico di Torino
Gilles Kittel - Team Leader – Instrument for Pre-Accession, Enlargement Negotiations and EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), DG REGIO, European Commission
Andrea Cascone - Director of the Adriatic and the Balkans Division and EUSAIR National Coordinator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy
Giovanni Castellaneta - Secretary General of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative
Miranda Sidran - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Erzegovina, Head of Department for Regional initiative Co-Coordinator of BiH Presidency AII/EUSAIR
Ilir Melo - Director of Regional Affairs - Ministry of European Integration and Foreign Affairs, EUSAIR National Coordinator, Albania
Erblin Berisha - Post-Doc Research Fellow, Expert of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Umberto Trenta – Marche Region Counselor for the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) - Download Slides
Moderator: Luisa Chiodi
Director Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa
The programming period 2021-2027 of European funds gives and unprecedented opportunity for reaching the goals defined into macro-regional strategies, and particularly in the EUSAIR Strategy. Scope of the session is providing a feedback on the process and the mechanisms for sustaining the Strategy’s goals, in the framework of the cohesion policy and order to give a push forward in the implementation of synergies at, regional, national and European level.
Representatives and experts of the following institutions will participate:
European Commission - DG REGIO
Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Cohesion Policy
Greek Ministry of Economic Development
Croatian Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
Jean-Pierre Halkin - Head of Unit Macro-regions, Transnational/Interregional/External Cooperation, Enlargement, DG REGIO, European Commission
Massimo Gerli - General Director of the Analysis, Policies and Programming Office and EUSAIR National Coordinator, Department for Cohesion Policies - Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Ioannis Firbas - General Director National Coordination Authority for ESIF, Ministry for Development and Investments - Greece
Stella Arneri - General Director for European Territorial Cooperation, EUSAIR National Coordinator, Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds - Croatia
Andrea Pellei - Head of Marche Region Integrated Planning, EU and National Resources Directorate
Ivana Sacco - NUVAP - ETC Expert, Department for Cohesion Policy, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Moderator: Raffaella Coletti
Researcher, National Research Council of Italy – CNR ISSiRFA
Known also as “Interreg”, the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) is integral part of the cohesion policy. ETC represents the tool for strengthening relationships among EU countries, with a particular focus on trans-boundary regions, in an enlargement perspective. The discussion in this session starts from the laboratory experience realized by the ETC programmes Managing Authorities, started in the previous months, in order to define the guidelines for a harmonized methodology of implementation of EUSAIR Strategy.
Introduzione a cura di Battistina Cugusi - Dipartimento per le politiche di coesione
Representatives and experts of the following institutions will participate:
Managing Authority ADRION Programme
Managing Authority Italy - Croatia CBC Programme
Joint Secretariat Italy-Albania-Montenegro IPA CBC Programme
INTERACT - EU Interregional programme
EUSAIR Strategy - Pillar 2: Connecting the Region
EUSAIR Strategy - Pillar 3: Environmental Quality
EUSAIR Strategy - Pillar 4: Sustainable Tourism
Battistina Cugusi - Expert Department for Cohesion Policy, Presidency of the Council of Ministers - download slides
Lodovico Gherardi - Managing Authority ADRION Programme
Anna Flavia Zuccon - Managing Authority Italy-Croatia CBC Programme
Mauro Novello - Joint Secretariat Italy-Albania-Montenegro IPA CBC Programme
Ivano Magazzù - Manager for Capitalisation, Cooperation Actions and Embedding, Interact Programme - download slides
Roberto Zani - EUSAIR Thematic expert for Pillar II - transport subgroup, Italy
Iztok Škerlič - EUSAIR Thematic expert for Pillar III, EUSAIR Facility Point Project Partner Municipality of Izola, Slovenia
Vlasta Klarić - EUSAIR Thematic expert and Pillar Coordinator for Pillar IV, Ministry of Tourism and Sport - Division for European Affairs and Policies, Croatia - download slides
Moderator: Germana di Falco
Expert Agency for Territorial Cohesion and Cohesion Policy Department, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Presentation of the participatory process and of the working groups envisaged for the re-launch of the Strategy and of the governance tools. - download slides